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Wing Commander 4 The Price of Freedom-GOG

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Wing Commander 4 The Price of Freedom Free Download


Wing Commander 4: The Price of Freedom – The year is 2673, four years after the Treaty of Torgo and the end of the Kilrathi War. As hostilities died out, more trivial concerns…

Game Overview


The year is 2673, four years after the Treaty of Torgo and the end of the Kilrathi War. As hostilities died out, more trivial concerns like rebuilding what was lost or dealing with space piracy, became the biggest concerns of the Terran Confederation. Even Christopher “Maverick” Blair, the famous Confed pilot responsible for ending the war, settled down and became a farmer. In these times of peace, humans grew fat and complacent. All good things must end, though. Soon enough, heinous incidents erupted on the outskirts of the Confederation, and humanity was forced to the…


info Title: Wing Commander 4 The Price of Freedom

developer Developer: Origin Systems

developer Publisher: Electronic Arts

release date Release Date:

genre Genre: Shooter, Action, Sci-fi



release name Release Name: Wing Commander 4 The Price of Freedom-GOG

cracked by Cracked by: GOG

size Release Size: 6.41 GB




System Requirement


  • System: Windows XP or Vista
  • Processor: 1.8 GHz
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7 (compatible with DirectX 9 recommended)
  • Storage: 2GB HDD


Wing Commander 4 The Price of Freedom Torrent Download

Wing Commander 4 The Price of Freedom PC Crack

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Giá tiền: 99.0000 VND


How To Install:
1. Extract/Install.
2. Active Code.
3. Play game.
4. Have fun ^^.
5. (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below: