Heartbreak High: A Break-Up Simulator – Imagine you’re the most popular kid in school. So popular, in fact, that you’re dating every single person in your class. The only problem?…
Imagine you’re the most popular kid in school. So popular, in fact, that you’re dating every single person in your class. The only problem? You’ve decided to break up with all of them, one by one. Heartbreak High is an arcade-style spin on visual novels and dating simulators that asks you to break up with all of your high school sweethearts instead of woo them. A single play-through can be completed in one 20-40 minute sitting, with each break-up featuring a unique branching story path and lovable (or unlovable?) characters for you to crush beneath your feet over and over…
Heartbreak High: A Break-Up Simulator
Good Bit, Alec Robbins
Good Bit
21 May, 2018
Casual, Simulation
Heartbreak High A BreakUp Simulator
114.28 MB
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How To Install: 1. Extract/Install. 2. Active Code. 3. Play game. 4. Have fun ^^. 5. (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below: