Chime Sharp – Chime was a much-loved music puzzle game on Xbox Live Arcade, PC and PS3. What happens if you file away the rusty edges? New music + new modes + new visuals = CHIME…
Chime was a much-loved music puzzle game on Xbox Live Arcade, PC and PS3. What happens if you file away the rusty edges? New music + new modes + new visuals = CHIME SHARP. Place pieces, paint the board, make music. Chime Sharp is an sequel to 2009’s Chime, a music puzzle game with an addictive, ambient heartbeat. You tessellate shapes to cover a grid, while a beatline reads those shapes as notes. As you cover the board the music builds to a beautiful crescendo of your own design. The only way to discover Chime is to play it, but if you want a glimpse, consider what it…
Chime Sharp
Ste Curran, Twistplay
Chilled Mouse
19 Jul, 2016
Casual, Puzzle
Chime Sharp
492 MB
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How To Install: 1. Extract/Install. 2. Active Code. 3. Play game. 4. Have fun ^^. 5. (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below: